Information on both the Senate and House of Representatives is available, including profiles, committee reports, The Congressional Record and information about the legislative process. This site will eventually take the place of Thomas, which is linked to below.
Includes many full text resources including the Budget of the United States Government, Congressional Directory, Economic Report of the President, Congressional Documents, Senate Manual, Presidential Documents, and the U.S. Courts Opinions. One can browse the collection or search the entire site or the individual resources.
This is a government site dealing solely with statistics. Full-text resources on this site include the Statistical Abstract of the United States, State and Metropolitan Area Data Book, Health, United States, Digest of Education Statistics, Projections of Education Statistics, and National Transportation Statistics. One can search the entire site or the individual resources. This site also has statistics listed by topic and MapStats - statistics on individual states using maps as illustration.
This is a popular site from January to April. Find all the federal tax forms you need on this site. Forms can be printed in PDF format using Adobe Acrobat.
Internet Public Library - Law, Government, and Political Science
Provides a list of government related websites recommended and evaluated by librarians
Supreme Court of the United States
The U.S. Census Bureau website features data from the 2000 Census. Researchers can also view census data from select historical years starting in 1790, with 1910-1960 not individually represented but included in current census statistics. One can also search population data for individual states. Fun feature: U.S. and world population clocks. is the official portal of the U.S. Government. This site is is arranged by topic of interest and can be searched all at once or by specific topic. Firstgov also features contact information for government offices and representatives.
Use this site to print off your Indiana tax forms in PDF format, using Adobe Acrobat. Links to the forms can be found on the right side of the page, in the southern portion of the picture of Indiana.
Access Indiana is the official web portal of the state of Indiana. This site provides factual and statistical information about Indiana, and provides links to many topics including government offices, maps, historical, and community resources.
Indygov is the official web site of the Indianapolis metropolitan area Marion County. It features community calendars, press releases, government links, and discussion forums pertaining to the city.