These databases can help you find topic overviews, statistics, images, maps, and more. Because they have full text online, you can access these materials any time using any computer.
Full text of over 70 reference books on a variety of topics
Full-text of over 70 reference books on a broad variety of topics, including multi-volume encyclopedias, biographical collections, business plan handbooks, company history compilations, consumer health references, and specialized reference sources. Subjects covered include arts and humanities, biography and genealogy, business and industries, general and consumer interests, government and political science, health and medicine, law, science and technology, and social sciences. These types of reference materials once were accessible only in the library, but now you can access them online 24/7. Users can search across the entire collection, limit the search by subject area, or just search an individual source. Available sources are listed in the Title List on the main page.
Oxford Reference Online Premium is an outstanding collection of 198 language and subject reference works published by Oxford University Press, including Oxford Companions, Dictionaries, and Encyclopedias, cross-searchable and covering a full array of subjects from Art to Zoology. For additional information, please refer to the publisher’s website.
This collection includes approximately 17,000 electronic books that may be read online using any computer. Although the books are not downloadable, you may print or e-mail up to 60 pages of most titles, so that you can read your selected material offline. Each book is accessible to one person at a time, for the length of his or her online session. (Sessions automatically time out after 30 minutes of inactivity, releasing the book for other users.) You may record electronic notes as you read your selection and save your notes in a personal EBSCO folder. You can search for appropriate books by keyword or by category, and each individual book can be searched by keyword.
Ebrary is a multidisciplinary collection of over 70,000 electronic books from a variety of top academic publishers. Content can be accessed and viewed from any computer/browser, and there is no limit on simultaneous users. Most of the books in Ebrary have been published since 2004, making this collection very up-to-date. New titles are added monthly. Subjects covered include: Anthropology, Business & Economics, Computers & IT, Education, Engineering & Technology, Fine Arts, History, Political Science, Law, International Relations, Public Policy, Language, Literature, Linguistics, Life Sciences, Medicine, Humanities, Nursing & Allied Health, Physical Sciences, Psychology, Social Work, Sociology, Religion, Philosophy, and the Classics. Ebrary lets you highlight and annotate passages as well as save your annotated books to a personal "Bookshelf" for easy access later. You can organize your Bookshelf into folders, and you can share any of your folders with UIndy colleagues or students. You can copy the direct link to an individual e-book and paste into your syllabus, list of readings, or other documents. The books in Ebrary can be downloaded to your computer and mobile devices, so you can read them offline. There are two choices: Create an image PDF of a specific chapter or page range Same page limits as for printing - up to 60 pages Accessible on most computers and devices Additional (free) software is typically not needed No "check-out" period -- Files do not expire Download an entire document as an e-book in Adobe Digital Editions Up to 10 documents at a time per patron Before your first download, you will need to install Adobe Digital Editions (free online). To be able to use your downloaded book on more than one device, you will need to create an Adobe ID/password, which just takes a minute. Accessible on most computers and devices. Check-out period for downloaded e-book: 14 days Instructions for downloading are available on the Ebrary site at (choose Document Downloading from the left-hand menu).
JSTOR is a not-for-profit organization with a dual mission to create and maintain a trusted archive of important scholarly journals, and to provide access to these journals as widely as possible. JSTOR offers researchers the ability to retrieve high-resolution, scanned images of journal issues and pages as they were originally designed, printed, and illustrated. The journals archived in JSTOR span many disciplines in the humanities, arts, sciences, business, and social sciences.