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Health Sciences - Including Nursing, Physical Therapy, Occupational Therapy, and Kinesiology

Web Sites of Interest

PubMed Search

National Library of Medicine's website



See the FAQ for information about evaluating websites.

Internet Resources for KSPT

Websites for Article Synopses:

    • PEDro
      • Free database of over 42,000 randomized trials, systematic reviews and clinical practice guidelines related to the effectiveness of PT interventions

Websites for Evidence Synthesis: Outcome Measure Databases:

Websites for Evidence Synthesis: Intervention:

Systematic Reviews

    • The Cochrane Library:
      • Houses the Cochrane Database of Sytematic Reviews
      • Reviews are completed by teams of experts in the field

Meta-Search Engines:

    • TRIP Database
      • Searches across multiple internet sites for evidence-based content.
      • Covers key medical journals, Cochrane Systematice reviewsm clinical guidelines, and other highly relevant websites
      • Search results can be sorted by level of evidence

Evidence Based Registries:

Clinical Trial Registries:

Research Reporting Guidelines:


    • ElectroPhysical Forum
      • An interactive platform for questions, comments, discussion and opinion related to the use of Electro Physical modalities in therapy. It is supported by an Internationally renowned expert panel and a broad sphere of clinicians, researchers, educators and students.

Clinical Practice Guidelines